Bogor Palace

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Bogor Palace has a total area of ​​28 ha, established in 1745 by Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies named Baron Gustaf Willem Van Imhof. The palace yard there are hundreds of deer that live freely add beauty atmosphere Bogor Palace. Located on Jl. Ir. H. Juanda no. 1, Bogor, West Java. Tel. (0251) 321 001.

Istana Bogor is one of six Presidential Palace of the Republic of Indonesia which has its own uniqueness. The uniqueness is due to aspects of historical, cultural and faunayang prominent. One is the presence of deer - the beautiful deer imported directly from Nepal and maintained from the beginning until now.

There is now a trend Bogor and its surrounding residents every Saturday, Sunday and other holidays walk diseputaran Bogor Palace while feeding the deer that live in the beautiful palace in Bogor with carrots pages obtained from traditional farmers Bogor residents are always ready peddle these carrots every holiday. As the name suggests, this palace is located in Bogor, West Java.

Although various activities of state has not done anymore, the public were allowed to visit the troupe, with the previous permission to the Secretary of State, cq Head of Household Presidency.
Bogor Palace formerly Buitenzorg or Sans Souci, which means "no worries".
From 1870 to 1942, the Bogor Palace was the official residence of Governor-General of 38 Dutch and one British Governor-General.

In 1744 the Governor-General Baron Gustaaf Willem Van Imhoff struck for peace a small village in Bogor (New Village), a territory of the former Kingdom of Batavia Pajajaranyang located upstream. Van Imhoff has plans to build the region as an agricultural area and resting place for the Governor-General.

Bogor Palace was built in August 1744dan shaped three-level, was originally a cottage, he makes sketches and build from year 1745 to 1750, modeled after the architecture Blehheim Palace, residence of the Duke of Malborough, near the city of Oxford in England. Gradually gradually, over time the changes to the initial construction done during the Governor-General of the Dutch and English (Herman Willem Daendels and Sir Stamford Raffles), forms the building Bogor Palace has undergone various changes. so that was a vacation home turned into a palace building with spacious yard paladian 28.4 acres and building area of ​​14,892 m².

However, disaster struck on October 10, 1834 an earthquake shook the result of the eruption of Mount Salak so that the palace was badly damaged.

In 1850, the Bogor Palace was rebuilt, but did not rise again because it adapted to the situation of the region's frequent earthquakes. During the administration of Governor-General Jacob Duijmayer Albertus van Twist (1851-1856) the old building was demolished and the rest of the quake was built by taking European architecture of the 19th century.
In 1870, Buitenzorg palace used as the official residence of Governor General of Dutch East Indies. Buitenzorg palace's last occupant was the Governor-General van Starkenborg Tjarda Stachourwer who was forced to hand over the palace to General Imamura, pemeritah Japanese occupation. In 1950, after independence, the Presidential Palace in Bogor began to be used by the Indonesian government, and officially became one of the Indonesian Presidential Palace.

In 1968 the Bogor Palace was officially opened for public visits on the blessing of President Suharto. Flow of visitors from outside and within the country annually reach about 10 thousand people.

On 15 November 1994, Bogor Palace became the annual meeting of economic ministers of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economy Cooperation), and there was issued the Bogor Declaration. [1] The Declaration is a commitment of 18 APEC member countries to hold free perdangangan and investment before 2020. On August 16, 2002, during the reign of President Megawati, held a "glow of freedom" to commemorate the anniversary of the RI-57, and enlivened by the appearance of Twilite Orchestra, with conductor Addie MS

On July 9, 2005 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's son married [2], with Anisa Pohan Agus Yudhoyono in Bogor Palace.

On 20 November 2006 U.S. President George W. Bushmelangsungkan state visit to Bogor Palace and met with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. This brief visit lasted for six hours.

Previous Bogor Palace is equipped with a large garden, known as the Botanical Gardens Bogornamun accordance with the need for the development center will be a tropical plant science, Bogor Botanical Gardens shade removed from the palace in 1817.

Bogor Palace has a main building with the left wing and right. The entire palace complex, reaching 1.5 hectares.
According to literature data, at the Presidential Palace in Bogor there are 37 buildings. Some of its main building has an important function.

Main Building:
Consisting of eight rooms, namely Garuda space that serves as a reception room, meeting here as well - a large gathering can be implemented. Lotus space that serves as the reception. Never serve as a space movie screening room at the time of President Sukarno. Dining Room that serves as the main dining room. Workspace president who once served as a work of President Sukarno. Library space that never serves as the library of President Sukarno. Family Room and Bedrooms that serves as a place / lounge President if the various events will follow in Room Garuda. Waiting Room Ministry that serves as a waiting room of the minister if they will follow the event - the event in Room Garuda.

Left Wing Main Building,
Consisting of two rooms, namely Space Panca State, who serves as a conference room Panca State / preparation for the Asian-African Conference in Bandung, Bedroom and Space Center, which functioned as a place to stay-President, state guests and great guests.

Right Wing Main Building,
serves as a place to stay as a guest of the President of the guests the following countries - state guest, and guests - the other guests. Left-wing pavilion serves as the office of Household Bogor Palace, while the Right wing Pavilion serves as a place to stay the officials and staff of state guests.

Pavilion I-VI.
IV pavilion is now used as a place to stay the officials and ministers are waiting area if there are events, the Pavilion VI is used as a home position of head of the stables Among other buildings, are worth noting here is Dyah Bayurini Building, which is equipped with a swimming pool used as the resting place of President and his family when he was in Bogor. In addition, there is a Versatile Building that serves as a multipurpose room: art, meeting, where artists, etc.. The rest of the buildings are buildings complement the residence of the President and the function was in line with job descriptions and their functions.

Artwork at the Bogor Palace
Many original items hereditary in Bogor Palace is damaged, destroyed, or lost during World War II. Therefore, the entire works of classical art and furnishings in the Bogor Palace started from early 1950.

Collections of international art and decor gifts share coming from foreign countries, providing luxurious accents at the Bogor Palace. One is a Bohemian-style crystal candle stand and rare Persian carpets lining the floor of the main room at the Bogor Palace.

The palace collections include:
450 paintings, among which are; painter Indonesia Basuki Abdullah, Russian painter Makowski, and Ernetst Dezentje, 360 sculptures.

The composition of ceramic floor luxury spread over the palace. One of the most impressive collections of ceramics, from Russia, the contribution of the Prime Minister Khrushchev in 1960.

Gifts state prizes, among which are silver-plated skull of a tiger, a gift from the Prime Minister Thanom Kittikachorn from Thailand in 1958.
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