Bandung Geology Museum

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Bandung Geology Museum was inaugurated on May 16, 1929. The museum was originally a laboratory, has a diverse collection of rocks, minerals, meteorites, fossils, and artifacts that have been collected since the 1850s. Geology Museum is located at Jalan Diponegoro, not far from Gedung Sate. From here can be obtained various information related to the problem kegeologian. Among the objects into a human skull fossil collection is the first in the world, fossil skeleton of pre-historic animals, weighing 156 kg meteorite which fell on March 30, 1884 at Jatipelangon, Madiun.

The museum was established on May 16, 1928. The museum was renovated with funds from JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). Geology Museum is located at Jalan Diponegoro, not far from Gedung Sate. From here can be obtained various information related to the problem kegeologian. Among the objects into a human skull fossil collection is the first in the world, fossil skeleton of pre-historic animals, weighing 156 kg meteorite which fell on March 30, 1884 at Jatipelangon, Madiun. As a historic monument, this museum is considered a national heritage and are under government protection.
This museum store and manage an abundance of geological materials, such as fossils, rocks, minerals, gathered during fieldwork in Indonesia since 1850. Open every day from 9:00 until 15:00 o'clock Friday Except Public Holidays and Public Holidays.

MGB is open from Monday to Thursday between the hours of 9:00 to 15:00 pm, while Saturday and Sunday at 9:00 a.m. to 13:00 pm each. Especially on Fridays and public holidays closed. "The museum is closed because we also need to treat objects in the collection here."

Geological Museum initially serve as laboratories and storage areas of geological and mining results from different regions of Indonesia and then expand again not only as research tools but also function as a means of education, providers of various information about earth science and tourism objects.
The shift function of museums in tune with advances in technology are making the geological museum as:
-Place outside of school education related to the earth and its preservation efforts.
-Where people do the initial assessment prior to fieldwork. Where is the Museum of Geology at the center of earth science information that describes the state of Earth's geology Indonesia in the form of a collection of visual aids.
-Geowisata interesting objects.

Museum of Geology is divided into several showrooms occupying first and second floors.
First Floor
Divided into three main rooms: Space orientation in the center, Room West Wing and East Wing room.
Orientation Room
Indonesia contains a geographical map in the form of reliefs that show the big screen and a museum of geological activity in the form of animation, cubicles museum information services and educational services and research room.

West Wing room
Known as Space Geology Indonesia, which consists of several chambers that provides information about:
-The hypothesis of the Earth in the solar system.
-Regional tectonic fabric that make up the geology of Indonesia, embodied in the form of mock-model movement of these plates on the earth's crust.
-Sumatran geological circumstances, Java, Sulawesi, Maluku and Nusa Tenggara and Irian Jaya.

In addition to models and information panels, each chamber in this room also exhibits various types of rocks (frozen, sedimentary, metamorphic) and mineral resources that exist in every daerah.Dunia rocks and minerals occupy the chamber in the west, which exhibits various rock types, minerals and kristalografinya arrangement in the form of panels and the original exhibit.

Still in the same room, exhibited Indonesia geological research activities including the types of equipment / field equipment, mapping and research facilities as well as the end result of activities such as map (geolologi, geophysics, volcano, geomorphology, seismotektonik and everything) and publications as pemasyarakan means Indonesia's geological data and information. Tip of the west wing is the living room fireplace into the Holy Mountain, who demonstrated the state of some active volcanoes in Indonesia such as: Tangkuban Perahu, Krakatoa, Galunggung, Merapi and Stone. In addition to information panels of this room is equipped with a model of a complex volcano-Bromo-Semeru Kelut. Some examples of volcanic rocks of the activities arranged in glass cabinets.

East Wing Room
The room is a portrait of the history of growth and development of living things, from primitive to modern, who inhabit this planet is known as the living history of life.
Panels that adorn the walls of the room the picture begins with information about the state of the Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago, where most living things primitifpun undiscovered. Several billion years later, when the ground was calm, the environment supports the development of some types of single-celled plants, are being recorded in fossil form.

Reptiles, invertebrates that live behind the large central control period up to Late Mesozoic (210-65 million years ago) diperagan in the form of fossil replica Tyrannosaurus Rex Osborn (type of wild meat-eating lizard) extends for 19 m, height 6.5 m and weight 8 ton.Kehidupan early in the earth that began about 3 billion years ago then developed and evolved until now. Traces the evolution of mammals that live in the Tertiary era (6.5 to 1.7 million years ago) and Quaternary (1.7 million years ago until now) in Indonesia recorded either through the fossils of mammals (elephants, rhinos, buffaloes, horses nil) and hominids found on soil in some places especially in Java. Collection of fossils-ancient human skull found in Indonesia (Homo erectus P. VIII) and in several other places in the world collected in the form of replica.

Similarly, artifacts dipergunkan, which characterize the development of ancient cultures, from time to Quaternary sedimentary stratigraphy waktu.Penampang Sangira area, Sandpipers and Mojokerto (East Java) are very significant in expressing the history and evolution of human-ancient model in the form of panels of maket. Formation history of the legendary Lake of Bandung is shown in panel at the end of the room. Fossil snakes and fish that are found in the lining of ex-Lake of Bandung and artifacts exhibited in its original form. Artifacts collected from several places on the outskirts of the Lake of Bandung indicate that about 6000 years ago the lake have been inhabited by humans prasejarah.Informasi full of fossils and remnants of past lives are placed in separate room in Space History of Life. The information presented include the formation of fossils, including coal and petroleum, in addition to state-of ancient environments.

Second Floor
Divided into three main rooms: west room, living room and the living room east west
used by staff museum.Sementara hall and east room on the second floor that is used to display known as a geological space for human life.

Middle Chamber
Contains a scale model of the world's largest gold mining, which is located in the Middle Mountains of Irian Jaya. Gransberg open pit mine which has reserves of approximately 1.186 billion tons, containing 1.02% copper, 1.19 grams gold / tonne and 3 grams silver / tonne. Combination of several open pit and underground mines active in the surrounding areas provide ore reserves of 2.5 billion tons. Former Mine Hertzberg (Ore Mountains) in the southeast Grasberg which closed in 1988 was the site geology and mines that can be harnessed and developed into an attractive object geowisata. Several rock samples from Irian Jaya (Papua) and terpamer arranged in glass cabinets around the mockups. Miniature towers of oil and gas drilling are also exhibited here.

East Room
Divided into seven small rooms, all of which provide information about the positive and negative aspects of the settlement of geology to human life, especially in Indonesia.
-Room 1 presents information about the benefits and uses of stone or mineral for humans, as well as drawing panel mineral resource distribution in Indonesia.
-Room 2 featuring footage of exploration activities and exploitation of mineral resources.
-Room 3 contains information about the use of minerals in everyday life, both traditional and modern.
-Room 4 shows the processing and management of mineral and energy commodities.
-Room 5 presents information on various types of geological hazards (negative aspects) such as land longksor, letusas volcanoes and so on.
-Room 6 provides information about the positive aspects of the geology is mainly concerned with the symptoms of fire into the Holy Mountain.
-Room 7 describes the water resources and their utilization, as well as environmental influences on the sustainability of these resources.
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